Sunday, August 9, 2015

The names that carry the code of Mother Nature

When it comes to geographic terms, I believe that Native Americans and Aborigines in Australia were the closest to the ideal. They had an indigenous way of naming things, animals, humans and their dwellings with natural and descriptive names. For instance, Native American could name the same unique river along its run with several descriptive names: Calm and Cold, Wild Raging Woman and Green Curve etc. Each different name may reflect the particular nature of the river which may suggest the possible consequences. For instance, the part which is called Wild Raging Woman certainly suggests a possibility of flooding. However, Native Americans are well known for not leaving any traces of their life on Earth. There are no graves for the dead whatsoever. They are also known for naming their children after the first sight of the Chief of the tribe, as he gets the news about the newborn child. Therefore, there was always a danger, the baby got a strange name - after a name for a strange scenery, a vision or even a hallucination of tribe’s Chief. In old times, way before the newcomer’s invasion, a Native American could be named Purple Dawn, Snow White Valley, Coyote Paws, White Legs, Sitting Bull, Condor's Flight, etc.

Sioux Indian burial 

Along with the rule of the unnatural coalition, DPMNE-DUI came the unnatural nomination of things in th Republic of Macedonia. As a result, during the last decade many public objects, common places, streets and buildings were given names of historical persons with questionable affiliations and contribution to the Republic of Macedonia. To that end, the current dictator of Republic of Macedonia and his Government managed to conceal authentic archive materials in order to declare some suspicious characters as heroes. Currently, these names are disgracefully “polluting” our streets. They became replacements for the old natural descriptive names, inherited from our ancestors. Those old geographic names reflected once the essence of the natural environment. Furthermore, the Macedonian folklore provided key geographic and climatic information on certain geographical points. If you listen carefully the lyrics of the song "Raspukala Shar Planina" (Shar Planina Breaks Down) you will become aware that the disastrous phenomenon is well known -  the mountain through the flash flood “captured” three shepherds and nine heards. Unfortunately, during the perpetual political crises, augmented by the stupidity of the immoral leaders, supported by their corrupted ministers and executives, enabled by the majority of the spineless Members of Macedonian Parliament, and flavored with the fragrance of irrational and self-destructive nationalism of the local procurators, we lost the meaning of the naturally coded names. The lack of the old topography and the natural “baptizing” inherited from the ancestors were, however, once crucial for the survival of the offspring. We, the voters must admit that somewhere on this curved and cursed way, we have lost the key of nature. 

After the flash flood in Shar Planina
(picture borrowed from Brif portal)

Can you imagine why our ancestors named the capricious colorful young mountain with the name "Shara"? It is trivial my dear Watson: It is after the snow melting in spring and leaving black and white patterns behind. Indeed, if you look at Shara Mountain in a springtime during a translucent clear day, you’ll see those typical sleek, blistered vertical black stripes over the white background that are certainly coming from the snows melt. Those are the dark streams that are rushing to figure out their bumpy way to the brooks and further down, to the major “boiling” rivers. Finally, the codename “Shara”, means a mountain where the population should live in accordance with its natural patterns; those fearful patterns of the magnificent scenery. The godfathers of Shara Mountain left their descendants the code of warning - deal with care with the snow in the winter while in the spring do not obstruct the flow pathways of the raging water! Also, be aware of the occurrence of Mala and Golema “Rechica" wich means that water may act as a ghost: now is there, now is gone. The population should somehow be able to learn the lesson, not only by upbringing within the family but with the educational system. People should learn that the river’s name “Pena” suggests that foaming river represents a threat for the inhabitants unless the municipality “fathers” have taken care of it.  “Poroj” is not only a bare name for a village. It is code-name for a region of a "flash flood". Those natural geographic names should be also translated in Albanian, to remind the ethnic albanians on the natural disastrous essence of this region. Now I'm completely convinced of the necessity for bilingual names of the geographic points. The literal translation seems inevitable, in order to preserve the natural code inherited from our ancestors. 
A street which used to be called "Zeleznicka" (Railway Road) in the capital of the R. Macedonia - Skopje that was recently renamed after a late controversial politician, Jordan Mijalkov  

At last, life in accordance with nature should come from the high politics. However, I don’t really understand how we, the foolish and dumb voters, perpetually elect totally ignorant individuals who have no knowledge whatsoever in the laws of nature. How it is possible that we choose to be led by politicians who disregard the knowledge of those who have it. Could you picture out that we have given our vote to a fully ignorant men to manage our nature - the same man who wanted sandy beaches for Ohrid lake coast by building up artificial cliffs all around!!?? The exactly same man who wanted to reap off the entire cane from the lake, ignoring the fact that it serves to the fish to spawn!! ?? Hence, it is a high time to make aware the voters of Republic of Macedonia, even those with the recently acquired “party” jobs that the rule of DPMNE and DUI is disastrous to us, as an integral part of Mother Nature. The rule of these miserable greedy nonhumans represents nothing but a shameless fornication: cutting the trees, devastating the forests, harvesting of urban greenery, raping the Skopje-metropolitan city. This Government keeps on stimulating and tolerating the poisoning and polluting industries, thus disturbing the climate, which in turn clogs the streams and invokes flooding. Hence, when you go casting your electoral vote, keep in mind that these lunatics completely ignore the code of Mother Nature. Please feel free to consider that it was not natural disasters, but they, the current Government murders our children on a daily basis. Therefore, as soon as possible, our citizens should vote out those maniacal-compulsive and extremely egoistic criminals, who obviously do not love their own children. Why we should expect them to care about us?
River Pena in Tetovo after the heavy showers.
(photo borrowed from Flash News portal)