Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Are we suffering from an incurrable endemic-Macedonian Stockholm Syndrom?

People stuck in Stockholm-syndrome

Are there any citizens in this country who think independently for themselves, that believe in fairy tales of the "democratic" and prosperous rule of Gruevski, as those of GDOM citizen's association believe? Are there people left on the Earth who still believe that it is good to live in Macedonia? I assure you that these people comprise a negligible minority in my immediate circle. Not that they are stupid, not that they are ignorant, but a serious socio-pathology must be going on in their minds. I thought they suffer of some trivial diagnosis as, for example, acute "blindness," temporary "deafness" or even sporadic "concentration disorder." But I was wrong. Later I realized that these people suffer from a serious libido disorders, desiring to submit themselves to a sexual abuse of their healthy brains on a daily basis? Imagine, these are not the people who get loaded from the Government procurement procedures and tenders. These are not the people who have great jobs (most of them are jobless). Those are not the beneficiaries of the European IPA funds and state subventions. Then how could they still believe in the political and social success and economical growth of the criminal financial installation Gruevski / Stavrevski / Bogov. I believe that their belief in a nonexistent goodness, democracy, and prosperity is nothing less than a psychiatric condition known as Stockholm syndrome. The syndrome occurs when the hostage or a kidnapped person falls in love with their own captor and tyrant.
"These people were no bad at all. They gave me to eat; I was allowed to sleep, and they left me alive "(Hostage of the hijacked plane - Flight 847).
A scene from the movie "Night porter"

Origin of the term, Stockholm-syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is named after the famous case of bank robbery in Stockholm in 1973 when the hostages were taken by the hijackers. At the end of their captivity, i.e., six days later, those same hostages suddenly refused to be rescued by the special police units. Also, they didn't want to go out to be free when they were allowed. Then, too, they all refused to testify in the court against their kidnappers. A climax of their "love story" happened when they started a fund raising for hiring good lawyers to their former slave-holders. According to some newspapers, one of the hostages even got engaged to one of the captors, who got sentenced to years of imprisonment. Since similar phenomenon repeatedly appeared throughout history, this unnatural and distorted sadomasochistic behavior was thus named a Stockholm syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome occurs when a trapped person is held in isolation, can't escape, and their life is threatened. However, it is necessary that the kidnappers show a tiny little act of kindness. It usually takes three to four days for this strange psychological distortion to occur. The syndrome reflects the victim's strategy to keep the kidnapper satisfied, just to be able to stay alive. After the 4th day, the victims begin obsessively to identify themselves with a tyrant. In their blurred heads a dramatic transformation occurs, so they suddenly start to admire all the things their captor loves, and to hate all the things the kidnapper hates.  Entering into that role, victims begin to feel true empathy, sympathy and even affection for their tormentors.

Macedonian Stockholm syndrome "Falling in love with Gruevski"

The hostage drama in Macedonia started 2007, shortly after the "coronation" of the man with low professional standards, immoral character, questionable intellectual capacity, and problematic mental health (probably a sadistic nature). To expand the contagion of the Stockholm-syndrome among the people in Macedonia, it was necessary to create an illusion of external isolation. President Jorge ( also known as Professor of Law George Ivanov, also called Ficus) provided the self-isolation of the country by dissipating the poisonous paranoid thesis that all the world hates us, everyone but Russia is against us and that we are subject to world conspiracy that we should stoically bear. As a result,  citizens started blaming the destiny that predestined us to remain in the arms of her captor. Also, another important prerequisite was satisfied: the freedom of speech was systematically usurped and the free media declined. This situation has not led to isolation, closure, the nontransparent state of the state of Macedonia. A "can of beer" state, in which we do not look out, but also, them from the outside do not see us trapped, concealed and tormented inside. Nobody sees the rise in pressure that happens inside. We are all waiting for the moment of an external benefactor who will catch for the opener and make the move. He, the Deus Ex Machina, is awaited to open the can of our decade-long prison. We are ale waiting for the Godot.
            As noted above, the practice of Stockholm-syndrome incidents that an abduction victim needs 3-4 days to adjust fully to the tyrant. When it comes to a total collective kidnapping (an entire state with the people), as in our case, it takes 3-4 years. Four years imprisonment and permanent blackmail, the threat of the bare life are needed for the person to acquire the nasty perversion named Stockholm syndrome. The fourth year the person becomes grateful for every morsel of dry bread with peanuts, which alone he earns with their hands! After four years of chronic isolation and fear, a person becomes reduced to a pinhole, indulging and blessing his mental torturer for every breath of air they take. One begins to appreciate the fact that he/she wasn't killed. A person starts to praise the fact she/he was only squeezed in the vise of the totalitarianism and marginalized from the human society. This is a very complex social and psychopathological matter, which is not very well researched. How odd and twisted could be the human mind? How capable to quickly switch between the normal and completely unknown behavioral modes under occurrence of extreme conditions and environments.

Cure for MK-Stockholm

When You think about it, you may realize that we suffer from this vicious collective diagnosis - Macedonian Stockholm syndrome. After it persisted for ten years, I don't think it ever will pass. The syndrome has likely turned into a chronic condition. 
The psychology also treats cases of domestic violence, cases of women stuck in love and hate sado-maso connection with a spouse as if they suffer from a Stockholm syndrome. The experts say that in such individuals, the  dependence on the tyrant can be treated with a psychotherapy up to ten years.

A key issue here is whether Gruevski-addicts will manage to escape from the quicksand of his autocracy? Whether or not those people will ever overcome and recover from the ownership treatment from their captors - politicians who deprive their people of human rights and fundamental freedoms? I wonder if these people self-organized within GDOM Association, the well-known  junkie-Grujovists, will head a new side of life while are the tyrants in prison, or by inertia,  will continue sending "love letters" to their kidnappers? Will this syndrome become their chronic condition that comes once - stays forever, as with the Belarusians, Russians and, now we can say, the Serbs? Will somebody from a western pharmaceutical laboratory invent a cure for Stockholm-suffering collectivities that passionately empathize with their torturer?

St George and the Dragon by Paolo Uccello

And when the Savior comes...

At last, the key question is, what if soon the "Liberator" appears on the stage, or St. George descends from the heaven to take off the seven evil heads of the black dragon, or a wise man emerges from far East with the key that opens the chain locks from our feet? Are we going to recognize the moment and help him to help us? 

Perhaps not, since we are already bogged down in the mud of this incurable syndrome in its late metastatic stage. Hence, we will probably act irrationally and refuse the offered hand to the freedom?